The Sivo API is based on the RESTful pattern, which in turn relies on standard HTTP status codes. Your application can use the status code in the response to determine the result of the operation. In general, 2xx status codes indicate success. A 4xx status code indicates an issue with the request (unexpected arguments or invalid operation). A 5xx status code indicates that there was an error in the Sivo application (hopefully you will not see these, but if you do you can report to us and we'll work to resolve as soon as possible).
See the tables below for common status codes.
Status Code | Description |
200 - OK | The request succeeded |
201 - Created | The request succeeded and a new resource was created |
202 - Accepted | The request has been accepted for processing, but processing has not completed. |
Status Code | Description |
401 Unauthorized | The API token is invalid |
403 Forbidden | The account does not have permissions to execute the requested operation |
404 Not Found | The resource requested does not exists |
409 Conflict | The request conflicts with another request. This could be related to the use of the same idempotent key in separate requests. |
413 Payload Too Large | The request exceeds the maximum supported size. For larger payloads it is recommended to use compression. |
429 Too Many Requests | Too many requests have been issued over a short period of time. |
Status Code | Description |
500 Internal Server Error | An internal error occurred on the Sivo servers. Please contact support. |
502 Bad Gateway | Sivo server received an unexpected response internally. Please contact support. |
503 Service Unavailable | The server was unable to handle the request due to overload or maintenance. This is typically a temporary state. Please contact support if it persists. |
504 Gateway Timeout | The server did not receive an internal response in a timely manner. This is typically a temporary state. Please contact support if it persists. |